We are located at 231 W Giaconda Way Ste 103, Tucson, AZ. (Please make sure you enter this address in your mapping software, as some maps are still routing patients to an old incorrect address)

Please note: We require 48 hours notice to cancel an appointment. If you cancel within those 48 hours, the fee is the same cost as the appointment would have been if you attended. To cancel an appointment please call or text us at 520.858.0350. Please do not email any cancelations, as this is not a guaranteed form of communicating an appointment cancelation. Thank you!

Massage & Manual Therapy

Procedure code: 97124

Auto Injury (Massage & Manual Therapy)

This selection is for those seeking care related to an auto injury. If we will be linking your care to your accident, then you must choose a visit from this section.
Procedure code: 97140

Workers' Compensation Case (Massage & Manual Therapy)

Select an appointment from this section if you are being seen for on-the-job injuries related to an open claim.
Procedure code: 97140

Active Release Techniques (ART) (Massage & Manual Therapy)

Born and raised right here in Tucson, Niki has been a local massage therapist since 2007.  Her continued studies include Biomechanics, healthy movement, and nerve compression syndromes.

Her most recent studies are aimed at pain science, going deeper into understanding the nervous system and techniques for addressing disrupted nerves, including Dermoneuromodulation.

Her treatments are aimed at being corrective, restorative, and collaborative. When the client knows they’re in charge of the pressure, depth of stretch, and other applicable measures, they can fully relax into the treatment, which helps to release tension in specific areas and also to calm the nervous system.

Her belief is that massage isn’t just about working a muscle and getting it to relax; it’s about getting the nervous system to calm down, both locally and systemically.

She combines various massage techniques, gentle movements, and stretches along with continuous communication during the session to provide effective individualized care.

Niki loves treating issues of the hip and pelvis, relieving headaches by working the scalp, neck and shoulders.

Niki (and our other LMT’s) have experience treating a variety of conditions including: overuse or cumulative trauma injuries, headache, migraine, tinnitus, vertigo, low back and hip pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis), thoracic outlet syndrome, sciatica, piriformis syndrome, scoliosis, neuropathy, nerve pain/tingling/numbness, tennis and golfer’s elbow, foot pain/plantar fasciitis, jaw/face pain, whiplash, concussions, PTSD, anxiety, seatbelt injuries, contusions, broken/fractured ribs, soft-tissue tears, head injuries, and more.

When Niki’s not treating patients she enjoys hanging out with her family, reading about various manual therapies, digging in the garden and playing Dungeons and Dragons.

Born and raised right here in Tucson, Niki has been a local massage therapist since 2007.  Her co... Read More

Taylor’s appreciation of human anatomy and human physicality began long before she became a massage therapist. She trained as a dancer and, for over a decade, enjoyed a career with several professional ballet companies.

During that time, she struggled with pain associated with scoliosis, nerve entrapment, and repetitive or overuse muscle injuries.

Pain management became an integral part of her life. She regularly used self-massage, foam rolling, and active stretching but sometimes saw a professional therapist and often massaged her colleagues. She came to see massage therapy as a way of exploring her interest in anatomy and movement that was kinder to her body.

Taylor loves to set and achieve goals with her patients, often with free and comfortable movement as a criterion.

Taylor is passionate about working with patients living with irregular nerve function and/or pain. Conditions such as: nerve impingements, nerve entrapments, peripheral neuropathy, neuroglia, Fibromyalgia, and Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), also referred to as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).

Taylor strives to create a space of active curiosity/problem solving, with tailored treatments acknowledging and honoring how nerve pain/irregular sensation behaves uniquely in every body.

Taylor also enjoys working with athletes and helping them with recovery from fatigue and injury prevention. In the future, Taylor is very interested in pursuing specialty certification in manual lymphatic drainage and neuromuscular therapy.

Taylor (and our other LMT’s) have experience treating a variety of conditions including: overuse or cumulative trauma injuries, headache, migraine, tinnitus, vertigo, low back and hip pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis), thoracic outlet syndrome, sciatica, piriformis syndrome, scoliosis, neuropathy, nerve pain/tingling/numbness, tennis and golfer’s elbow, foot pain/plantar fasciitis, jaw/face pain, whiplash, concussions, PTSD, anxiety, seatbelt injuries, contusions, broken/fractured ribs, soft-tissue tears, head injuries, and more.

As a child, Taylor lived all over the country with her family and their eccentric collection of alpacas. In 2011, she moved to Tucson. She likes to say that Tucson adopted her. Some of her interests include jalking (jog-walking) in the desert, community service, cycling, loving animals, and her yoga asana practice.

>“Everybody deserves to experience joyful movement in their unique earth costume.”

Taylor’s appreciation of human anatomy and human physicality began long before she became a massa... Read More

Melissa is a Licensed Massage Practitioner/Therapist and the owner of Miller Medical Massage. In 2004 Melissa graduated the Massage Therapy program at Renton Technical College in Renton, Washington.

She has over 20 years experience treating people with acute injuries including whiplash, concussions, PTSD, anxiety, seatbelt injuries, contusions, broken ribs, soft-tissue tears, head injuries, tremor, jaw pain, headache, migraine, tinnitus, vertigo and more.

She also has extensive education and experience in chronic issues such low back and hip pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis), thoracic outlet syndrome, sciatica, piriformis syndrome, scoliosis, nerve pain/tingling/numbness, tennis and golfer’s elbow, foot pain and jaw/head/face pain.

In 2011 Melissa became certified in Active Release Techniques (ART); Upper and Lower Extremity and in 2022, she became certified in the newly added Masters Course Upper Extremity Level II.

In her 20 year career, she has successfully navigated the world of insurance billing, as it pertains to massage and manual therapy with an emphasis on auto insurance and workers’ compensation claims.

Miller’s approach is multidimensional, or holistic. We have honed in on what makes patient outcomes the most successful and implemented them throughout the clinic.

We take the time to listen, we ask clarifying questions, we find out what worked and didn’t work in the past, items or areas of health that may have been overlooked. We make sure the patient feels heard and that they can see we are using critical thinking skills to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together. We understand that there are social, emotional and cultural components to each person that make up the entire person– and we take that into account when working with you.

We think that you matter, that you deserve to be heard and listened to and you deserve to have someone in your corner– an advocate.

We would love the opportunity to help you become pain-free and to get back to doing the things you love! We look forward to meeting you!

Melissa’s schedule is limited and new patient appointments will typically be scheduled with Niki Barnes, LMT and Taylor Johnson, LMT.

Niki Barnes and Taylor Johnson have been the fabric of Miller Medical Massage since 2021 and manage dozens of complex conditions with compassion, expertise, emotional intelligence and professionalism. Melissa couldn’t be more pleased with these two providers, as they tend to our patients just as she does.

Melissa is a Licensed Massage Practitioner/Therapist and the owner of Miller Medical Massage. In ... Read More

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Located at: 231 West Giaconda Way Ste 103, Tucson
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